"Tips for Preparing for Your First Tattoo Session"
Whether you're being tattooed for your first time or your hundredth, it's an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. It's therapeutic to some, and torturous to others. Regardless, you're left with a lovely piece of art to adorn your skin forever.
Forever. Getting tattooed is a huge commitment and having them removed isn't a pleasant experience. Of course, it's important to be very sure that your design is something you want on your body forever. It's equally as important to research and choose an artist right for you.
When you choose a professional and high-quality tattoo shop (like Black Rabbit), there will be many great artists with varying skills and styles. If you're looking for a specific style of tattoo, find an artist who has a portfolio demonstrating that they have experience in that style. If you're not exactly sure what you're looking for, book a consultation with artist to find out more information.
In addition to finding the right shop, artist, and style, you need to ensure that you're mentally and physically prepared to endure hours of discomfort. What? Did you think it was going to feel good getting stabbed with needles?
Anyways, here are some tips to help you prepare for your tattoo appointment.
Your tattoo artist is going to be all up in your business. It's their job to be all up in your business. Do them a favor and take a nice, long shower before your appointment. Make sure to get in all the nooks and crannies, you don't want to be the one stinking up the tattoo shop.
You might think that no one will notice that you rarely moisturize your skin. Well, your tattoo artist will. Healthy, moisturized skin is much easier to tattoo. Be a doll and keep your skin hydrated.
That being said, avoid using moisturizer on your skin the day of your appointment, as it can affect how the stencil applies to your skin.
Poor sleep quality sucks in general, it especially sucks when you're about to have tiny needles stabbing into your skin for a few hours. You can't always plan a good night's rest but don't stay up late partying the night before you get tattooed.
A good sleep will help prepare your body and mind for the exhausting day ahead of you.
Don't neglect this tip! You will feel even worse during your tattoo if you don't nourish your body beforehand. Your body needs nourishment to endure a tattoo. Eating prior to your appoint will help keep your blood sugar up and avoid light headedness during your session.
Tasty snacks will keep your body and mind going throughout the tattoo process. Make sure to bring water, as well as a sugary drink and snack. This is especially important for longer appointments.
Your artist will likely take some breaks during your tattoo to eat, drink, stretch, and use the bathroom. You should use this time to do the same.
What you wear to your tattoo appointment matters. First of all, avoid wearing light colors if you don't want your clothes stained with tattoo pigment. It can't always be avoided.
If you're having your leg tattooed, it would be smart to wear or bring shorts. If you're having your shoulder tattooed, a tank top might be your best option. If you are having your back worked on, bring a zip up hoodie that you can wear backwards while being tattooed. Always talk to your artist about the best clothing options if you're unsure what's appropriate.
Tattooing is often viewed as an alternative career but tattoo artists are professionals and their workspace should be be treated as such. Although you may be comfortable having certain body parts exposed, be considerate of your artist and other people who may be in the shop.
Many tattoo artists and shops only accept cash payments, so make sure you inquire during your consultation. If you forget during your consultation, call the shop before your appointment to ensure you're prepared.
While some tattoo shops may have an ATM or at least have one nearby, don't bank on it. Visit your bank or an ATM before your appointment and make sure you pull out enough cash for your tattoo.
Some tattoos are quick and some take many hours. Often times your artist will converse with you during your tattoo but you have to remember that they are working and can't always be present in conversation.
Black Rabbit has a T.V. and music to entertain their clients but you also have the option to provide your own entertainment, such as a video game, your own music, or a book.
Be considerate when bringing your own entertainment. For example, if you wish to listen to your own music or watch videos on your phone, make sure you bring headphones. It's more likely than not that other people in the shop don't want to hear what you're listening to.
Only use hand held games or read a book if your tattoo is in an uncomplicated spot and you can ensure that it isn't bothering your tattoo artist at all. Remember, the result of your tattoo is much more important than your entertainment during the tattoo.
Getting a tattoo incites tons of emotions - excitement, nervousness, anxiety. Don't worry, it's normal to experience these feelings when you're about to be tattooed. Black Rabbit is a fun and comfortable environment to be tattooed in, so there's nothing to worry about! The more prepared you are for your appointment, the smoother your appointment will be for you and your artist.
After your appointment comes the most important step in the tattoo process, tattoo aftercare! Check out this article to ensure that your tattoo heals perfectly without any mishaps.